How is it that some people can walk right up to others…and begin talking so easily?
Why is it that I am so nervous and scared every time I have to make small talk with others, or talk to the boss, or…heaven forbid, speak in a group or give a presentation?
You wish you had that kind of ease when interacting socially.
You wish you didn’t have to worry about whether you’re being awkward, saying the wrong thing, or being embarrassed in some way. You hope no one notices that you’re blushing or sweating or that your hands shake. You figure it would be really bad if others noticed that you are nervous. Maybe you realize that you’re mind reading, thinking, That person must think I’m…(fill in the blank with some negative term here). You avoid socializing because you so fear embarrassment and can’t stand the sense that maybe you don’t come across well.
Once you’re out of the situation, you find yourself ruminating about what happened endlessly, trying to be sure that you didn’t say or do the wrong thing. Wondering what others think. On and on it goes.