Does your teen seem super stressed lately?
It’s no surprise. The stress on teens these days is extraordinary.
The academic demands placed on kids in middle school and high school are greater than ever before. When you were young, school was easier, and there wasn’t such enormous pressure to be amazing at everything. And when it was time for college, you just picked a nice school and that was the end of it.
Peer relationships are also harder.
These days, with social media, teens are constantly reminded of who is hanging out with who, ways in which they are excluded, ways in which…they don’t measure up. When you were young, it was easy to leave school issues at school. Now there’s no break from the comparisons, from bullies, from the pressure to look a certain way, convey a certain image, and otherwise measure up.
Stress at home can also add to the mix. If there’s family fighting or physical or mental illness in a family member, teens can become sad, stressed, or anxious and not know how to cope.