It’s understandable to be stressed and to think that your child is just difficult or “oppositional.” But here’s another take on that, a quote from a parent we worked with:
“My child is not giving me a hard time, my child is having a hard time.”
The fact is, when kids act out, they do so not because they want to drive you crazy or be mean, difficult, or aggressive. The fact is that they are struggling emotionally and don’t know what else to do. Knowing this can help you realize that your child needs a different approach from you as a parent, which includes understanding why she engages in the behavior. This understanding then becomes your guide to what you can do differently and set things in a new direction.
With new parenting strategies and the support of a child therapist to guide you, you will feel less alone as a parent and have a clear sense of direction in parenting your child. And the whole family will benefit from a more harmonious household. One in which you can have fun and be connected to one another.
At Life Counseling Institute, we are here to help you with one of the greatest challenges in parenting: managing difficult behaviors such as tantrums, not following directions, acting out, and aggression.
You can participate in our three-session Behavior Management Training series, designed to help you manage difficult behaviors differently, in ways that will help your child. You and the therapist will work together to address difficult behaviors using evidence-based interventions to facilitate more appropriate behaviors.
The training is split into three parts:
1. Understanding Behaviors
This session is designed to help you understand the function of behaviors and therefore know why the child engages in them.
2. Managing Behaviors
In this session, we help you determine the best approach to handling difficult behaviors for your particular child.
3. Teaching New Behaviors
In this session, we help you learn how to replace negative behaviors with positive ones.
“Participating in the behavior management program helped us understand the purpose of our daughter’s behavior and respond to it differently. That changed everything, and our family life is much calmer now!”
“It has been great to have guidance on parenting, someone who could tell us what to do when. It helped me feel less lost and alone in parenting, and my child’s behavior improved greatly.”
“Helped me and my husband get on the same page regarding how to respond when our son acted out, which helped us improve his behavior.”
“This program was great because, unlike parenting books, it was specific to the needs of us as parents and our child’s behavior. Thank you!”